Lords and Lands
Wargaming Resources
Tuesday, 21 February 2017
Distractions & Diversions (5) - Faustus Furius 6mm Chariot Racing
Some time ago I started writing my own rules for a simple and cheesy Chariot racing game, I got about half way before getting distracted with something else, and I am glad I did or I would never have picked up Ganesha Games Faustus Furius.
This is a gem of a game and the total buy-in is minimal, a few chariots in whatever your preferred scale and that's it(well the rules of course). The games rules can be mastered in 10 minutes, yet provide everything you need for an evening of great fun, fast simple and fun - the three main ingredients for a good game in my opinion.
All my chariots are 6mm and from Rapier, I simply mixed up the crews for a bit more variety:
Obelisks(from leven0 to act as my turning points(15mm & 6mm mini for scale)
A couple of crashed chariots(Irregular):
Finally, I persuaded the boss to make me a chariot track from a spare bit of material:
Well at least it was 6mm stuff for a change, back to 28mm and 15mm for the next couple of posts.
Saturday, 11 February 2017
Blood Bowl (I) - Human Team
I have been playing Blood Bowl on and off since the 1st edition, and its one of my favourite games ever, the release of the latest version and seeing my mates painting up teams in a matter of days put me to shame as I have had the last GW metal human team for 7 years and I have only undercoated them, so at the start of the year I determined to actually paint them.
I went with a relatively simple scheme to ease the process as I usually take about a week to paint a 28mm mini. Things started well and I get 4 minis done in a matter of a couple of days, then another 3, then I got distracted with my sideline staff(Cheerleader, Coach, Apothecary etc). Then I decided to paint the motley bunch of Orcs and Goblins I had and form them into a team along with an old 2nd ed Troll, these were fun to paint so I got through the whole team in a few days(more on these in the next post), before going back to the human team. That's enough background, on with the pics, first up my (GW) Human Blood Bowl Team and Staff:
Linemen (inc. an old 2nd ed. model):
My Catchers, Thrower and Blitzers:
Full Team:
Full squad:
Head Coach:
Team wizard:
Inducements/Score markers, etc:
The whole sideline:
I only have to base the Wizard and tidy the edges of the rest of the bases and they are as done as they ever will be.
Post Script:
I finished the wizards base: