

Lords and Lands


Wargaming Resources

Sunday 31 January 2016

6mm Sci-Fi/Post Apoc Project (IV) - More scenics & vehicles

Its seems to be all Sci-Fi at the moment, this time around a few more bits and pieces for my growing 6mm Sci-Fi skirmish project:

Alien life forms (GW Tyranid spores)

Some civilian tech/mech teams for use as objectives and scenery (CinC Miniatures):

A bunch of vehicles(from Angel Barracks, Old Crow, Scotia, Old Crow and Angel Barracks respectively):

Some more buildings (Angel Barracks minis):

A kit bashed building:

And finally a little bit of the Jungle-like alien terrain for both skirmish gaming and Epic, its not very good but serves its purpose and was very cheap to make:

I haven't made much progress on my Epic stuff of late having become somewhat bored painting the same Imperial Guard Infantry man hundreds of times, still there are no* further distractions on my painting desk so should be able to get back to then soon.

* That's actually a complete lie as I'm hooked on painting individual sci-fi minis at the moment and have a small Old West project to get my teeth into, oh and few little fantasy miniatures have somehow managed to creep onto my painting desk!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these are great, you're really talented!! :DD
