

Lords and Lands


Wargaming Resources

Saturday 24 February 2018

Blood Bowl (IV) - Lizardmen

This is not something I thought I'd ever post, having had zero interest in playing a Lizardman team in my 30+years of playing Blood Bowl. However my son has taken a big interest in BB of late and painting too! When asked what team he would play, the answer (which shouldn't have surprised me with his love of dinosaurs) was Lizards...

Now I must admit to hating painting 28mm stuff, it just takes me too long, looking at these now I can probably say they are amongst my poorer efforts, though in my defence I tried to keep things simple so my son could paint along more easily. Also the constant harassment meant I knocked them out in a couple of weeks rather than the couple of months these thing usually take me(if not longer). Saying all that I do quite like the yellow!

And finally the boy hard at work on one of the reaper bones dragons he bought

I'll have to add some sideline staff and do some team specific counters too, but they can wait, as whilst waiting for these to dry I made a decent start on my Halflings.

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