

Lords and Lands


Wargaming Resources

Sunday, 28 February 2021

Middle Earth Gaming - Part 7 - Mordor

My main evil force is a Mordor army which can double as a Barad-dur army for the most part and allows me to use Sauron. Unlike the Isengard army in my last post I actually painted this lot(well all but five):


The Witchking:(including the last of my remaining mini's from GW's original Middle Earth range)

Nazgul on Ringwraith: (Painted by my son)



The Mouth of Sauron:(painted by a mate as part of the bundle I bought off him)

Shagrat:(I bought this on E-Bay and it came painted, I usually always strip and re-paint but this fella was so nicely done I couldnt bring myself to do it!)


Orc Command:

Troll:(bought from the same guy as Shagrat and again too well done to be stripped, I simply add a wash over the armour to dirty it up a little)

Mordor Orcs:

Morannan Orcs:

Warg Riders:

Just my Haradrim force for the bad guys left to do which I am about a third of the way through. then its the 4 small warbands for the good guys that I have left to do. 

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