As you will plainly see this isn't the Epic Eldar army I planned on posting about, between gaming, painting, bank holiday's, gardening and the fact that I'm still adding formations to the army I haven't got it finished yet, (it's also meant that I have neglected this blog somewhat!) it doesn't help that I am easily distracted and decided to finish my last few medieval buildings and the walls and towers I have picked up from Leven to complement my siege equipment that I recently painted. I am not overly happy with these as I rushed through them to get back to the Eldar, still they do the job and at least I now have something to besiege.
Secondly I have painted some of the lovely Copplestone "not" the Fellowship of the Ring miniatures that I acquired through a Facebook group. I really enjoyed painting these as it was a nice change from my usual 6mm stuff but the time it takes in comparison to 6mm puts me off going back to my 10mm Game of Thrones project and from picking up my 10mm Lord of the Rings project at least until I've finished off some more Epic stuff, and the planned 6mm Post Apoc project oh and the 6mm Fantasy army I want.......
And the Lord of the Rings stuff(not too happy with Aragorns face think I'll re-do it at some point):
My next post shouldn't be so long in the posting and will definitely feature my Epic Eldar army, unless the 6mmSci-Fi/Post -Apoc scenery I'm putting together gets in the way!!