Once upon a time, all I painted miniature-wise was 28mm stuff - or 25mm as it was back then, and GW was the mainstay of my gaming world. Over the years and having discovered different scales, my 28mm stuff has all but vanished to the hellish realms of E-bay, and muchos 6mm and 10mm stuff it has funded!
Whilst I still drool over the amazing 28mm stuff out there,(I love the Dark Sword miniatures, Game of Thrones stuff) I am less and less inclined to make the purchase due to my dread of painting them.
I know I'm not the worlds best painter, but my need to do at least a half decent paint job means 28mm mini's take an age to paint these days. Even skirmish/warband style gaming with 20 or less mini's is probably beyond my reach. The last "Army" I painted in 28mm was an Old West gang (see below), I still have the last version of GW's Human Blood Bowl team to paint up, some Perry miniatures stuff for Ronin and a Justice Dept. team for Judge Dredd and I simply cannot face doing them which is a crying shame as they're all great figures and would look fantastic with a half decent paint job. Anyway enough of my despondency, here are the few 28mm miniatures I still have that are actually painted up:
Figures from Heresy, Hasslefree and Otherworld (runestone from Fenris)
Possibly NSFW, Oberon:
Male Centaur:
Witch with cauldron:
Valkyrie with runestone:
All the above belong to my Mum of all people, she has an interest in mythology, paganism and dark age Britain, I tend to paint them for her as Mothers day gifts as they are bit different from a bunch of flowers and she really appreciates them, and it gives me an excuse to paint these fantasy 28's that I would never buy for myself.
My Old West Gang, figures from Artisan, Foundry and Dixon:
And finally the one and only Ronin miniature I could be bothered to paint so far:
Figure is an old GW model.
Back to small scale stuff next time, possibly my Wood Elf army which is nearing completion.