Monday 2 November 2015

Odds & Ends (9) - Fiasco 2015, a Castle and other odds and ends

I did a stint assisting my mate demo'ing his new game, Lords & Lands at Fiasco last weekend. I had never been to a show so early before and it was interesting to see behind the scenes so to speak, it also meant I could get my shopping done early and without having to queue. I managed to grab a few pics on my phone, so here they are:

As ever Fiasco was a good show, plenty to see and buy and a friendly atmosphere.

The Lords and Lands Demos game:

 Microworlds Undead and Woodland Alliance

My blogging has gotten a little behind, so apologies to those few of you who keep an eye on it. My excuse is that I have been doing a lot of gaming and painting, speaking of which here are a few of the things I have been working on of late:


Leven Miniatures Castle Wall Set
 Some Adobe style buildings for my 6mm Old West Project

 Reinforcements have arrived for my Ork Speed Freeks army

 A bunch of Epic ruins that took all of 10 mins to paint 4ft's worth

 6mm Baccus Anglo Saxons & Vikings
 Somewhere to dock my Longships
 The Dead Marshes - a fantasy scenic project
 2 Merchantmen to add to my Trafalgar forces

The last of my Navwar ships

Leven's soon to be released Harbour set 
 Anglo Saxons and a bunch of Imperial Guard on my ever crowded painting desk
I'm currently finishing a few fantasy buildings, then its the Anglo-Saxons and back to the rest of my Imperial Guard.

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